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Upson County Animal Control Officer

This position is responsible for enforcing animal control ordinances.

  • Feeds, walks, exercises, and bathes shelter animals; provides medical care and administers medications.
  • Assists with animal euthanizations.
  • Cleans shelter facilities, cages, and runs.
  • Responds to calls and investigates complaints of injured, nuisance, stray, dangerous, or diseases animals.
  • Leads and initiates investigations on animal cruelty; collects evidence and testifies in court.
  • Issues verbal warnings and written citations.
  • Patrols the county to locate and pick up stray, injured, vicious, and potentially rabid animals.
  • Houses animals for rabies quarantine.
  • Loads, delivers, sets, and baits animal traps; removes captured animals from traps.
  • Responds to after-hours emergencies.
  • Interviews citizens and files reports related to animal bites; completes required documentation.
  • Completes animal intakes.
  • Provides information and assistance to the general public.
  • Maintains and repairs equipment and tools; maintains department facilities.
  • Arranges animal transportation to other facilities.
  • Removes animal carcasses from roadway.
  • Maintains vehicle, tools, and equipment.
  • Performs other related duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED BY THE POSITION
  • Knowledge of local, state, and federal animal control laws and regulations.
  • Knowledge of the layout and geography of the county, including the location of streets, subdivisions, and other residential and commercial property.
  • Knowledge of modern office practices and procedures.
  • Skill in the capture, trapping, and euthanization of dangerous or diseased animals.
  • Skill in the operation of equipment used in the capture of animals including tranquilizer guns, catchpoles, live traps, and the like.
  • Skill in the preparation, handling and use of various chemicals used in the immobilization and euthanization of animals.
  • Skill in performing mathematical calculations.
  • Skill in interpersonal relations.
  • Skill in oral and written communication.
The Animal Control Director assigns work in terms of general instructions. The supervisor spot-checks completed work for compliance with procedures, accuracy, and the nature and propriety of the final results.

Guidelines include relevant local, state, and federal policies and procedures, county ordinances, and Georgia Department of Agriculture rules and regulations. These guidelines are generally clear and specific, but may require some interpretation in application.